Fusion PIT Tags – Born From Research; Bio Polymer Fisheries Microchips

When NIWA (National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research) conducted a major research project into stock assessment levels of snapper on the west coast of New Zealand’s North Island, they needed to use passive integrated transponder tags that were food safe.
With 22,000 wild fish to be tagged, the possibility of a tagged fish being caught and entering the human food chain was a distinct possibility.

Food Safety Concerns

Both the Ministry of Fisheries and the fishing industry stakeholders involved in the project were concerned that if glass tags were used, liability issues could arise if a human swallowed a glass tag lodged in a caught or processed fish.
If the project was to proceed, and with the use of glass pit tags considered too high risk, the need arose for a food safe alternative. This is where our patented Fusion PIT tag was born.

Made from FDA Approved surgical polymer (plastic) and manufactured using a patented plastic infusion process.

  • Available sizes 12 x 2.7mm : 22 x 4mm
  • ISO Standard (ICAR Certified) or Non ISO
  • Data Chips/Read Write
  • 134.2kHz or 125kHz
  • Coloured Black for ease of retrieval

Fusion tags can withstand temperatures of -50C to +160C and have withstood pressures of up to 900BAR

For further details please contact us. Download our leaflet HERE

fish microchip, marine id, marine rfid, PIT RFID, PIT Tag, seal tags, shark tags
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